Thursday, September 29, 2011

Creating a Menu-Based Text User Interface in ANSI C

The easiest interface one can build (and the most used by console apps) is the Text User Interface. A Text User Interface is usually based on a menu which provides the user with various options.
Below, you have an example of how to implement such a interface using ANSI C:

int main(void)
    //Variable used for reading the user input
    char option;
    //Variable used for controlling the while loop
    bool isRunning = true;

        //Clears the screen
        system("clear");        //For UNIX-based OSes

        //Clears the keyboard buffer
        //Outputs the options to console
        //Reads the user's option
        option = getchar();
        //Selects the course of action specified by the option
            case '1':
                     //TO DO CODE
            case '2':
                     //TO DO CODE
            case '3':
                     //TO DO CODE
            case '4':
                     //TO DO CODE
            case 'x':
                     //Exits the system
                     isRunning = false;
                     return 0;
            default :
                     //User enters wrong input
                     //TO DO CODE
    return 0;
As you probably observed, this is a general template for a TUI, but you can easily modify it and adapt it to use in your programs.

TIPI used for clearing the console the system("clear") command which works for Unix-based operating systems. If you want to adapt the program for a Windows OS, you should replace the command with system("cls").

Question: In which situations do you prefer creating a text user interface instead of graphical one?

About the TUI

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